Christmas is literally two days away (how the heck did that happen?)Christmas is my favourite time of the year. I love it, I love everything about it.It’s the time of Christmas tree’s and Christmas carols and baby Jesus being born and mince pies and Christmas movies and of course… Santa. And because I’m Chloé and because I have a tendency to overthink everything to extremes, I came to a conclusion of something that I’m extremely surprised has not been spoken about already.*clears throat*SANTA HAS AUTISM. Mic drop. “Chloe, why do you associate everyone with autism? Why does SANTA of all people have autism?”Ah, imaginary person, I’m glad you asked. Let me list them for you in my extremely wonderfully set out list of 13 REASONS WHY SANTA HAS AUTISM  

 1. He lines up and names his reindeer over and over again:

One of the things that we’re “known” for is our ritualistic and repetitive behaviours.Lining up objects over and over again, listing things out, naming things… all of that good stuff.It gives us a sense of control, and an ability to calm down and focus on one particular thing, which slows our brains down and gives us much needed ‘chill time’Maybe Santa does it for the same reason? 

2. He wears the same clothes every day:

Routine. Sameness. No change. The way life should be.And hey, if I find an outfit that I like that isn’t itchy, that has no tags, that is made of soft material (and is super cute) …. Girl, you can guarantee I’ll be wearing it constantly.Santa’s got the right idea. 

3. He has an extremely limited diet of milk and cookies:

Chloe has an extremely limited diet of white, small foods with minimal ingredients.Santa has an extremely limited diet of milk and cookies.I’m seeing a connection here. 

4. He gets stuck in the same routine every year:

Routine. ROUTINE. ROUTINE.It’s calming, it makes you feel at peace because you understand what’s happening...In a time as busy and stressful as Christmas... routine is good.We like routine. 

5. He avoids social interaction and does all his work while everyone else is sleeping:

People can be H A R D to deal with. (Sorry friends... family... I love you. Just from like- a distance?)Also, his only companion while he's working are reindeer. As I've said before- animals on people on the spectrum seem to have a really close connection, so there's no wonder he'd choose to fly alone with just a few reindeer. 

6. He checks his list over and over and over...

Have I mentioned that we really like routine and repetition? 

7. He likes hanging out with people smaller than he is:

This might be a bit silly and strange, but people on the spectrum often prefer and feel more comfortable hanging out with people a lot younger than them. I know I do, it makes me feel more comfortable with myself.Maybe Santa likes his elves because they make him feel young and carefree and happy? 

8. He loves squeezing into tiny spaces...

Chimneys, anyone?Weighted blankets, weighted lap blankets, squeeze machines, fat-dogs-who-lie-on-you, chimneys... I mean really, they're all very similar.Obviously 

9. He is clueless about the social stigma about creeping into other people's houses:

Can't say I've done this before- because I'd probably get arrested.But I can totally sympathise with the fact that sometimes it's really hard to understand social cues and social normalities.. 

10. He spends an entire year preparing for one night: 

Routine and preparation means everything runs smoothly. And 364 days of preparation all for one night has got to leave him feeling nice and content and at peace! 

11. He found a use for Rudolf's nose when everyone else laughed at it:

Unfortunately, sometimes us people on the spectrum are way, way, way too used to being the underdog... We're picked on a lot for things that we can't change about ourselves.Just like Rudolf and his nose.Now Santa obviously understands this and takes charge of the situation and turns it into something amazing and beautiful and spectacular! 

12. Everything is black and white:

Black and white, naughty and nice.No grey areas, no inbetweens.Everything is as it is and as it should be! 

13. He does things that amaze people that have them wondering about how he actually did them.

At the end of the day, Autistic people are amazing!Despite Santa's weird quirks, he's loved all over the world! His magic is unique and amazing and recognised and loved by everyone. He can do things that leave people astounded and amazed, and he doesn't have to fit into any 'social normalities' to do that. In fact, being different is what makes him wonderful!  Santa has definitely got at least a little bit of autism in him. (Doesn't every amazing person? Not that I'm bias)So take a note out of Santa's book this Christmas, and love yourself for who you are!Be joyful, be merry and spread Christmas cheer!   


NEW YEAR... same me?


Weighted blankets