Christmas is coming!It’s the time of giving, and Jesus being born, and families getting together… and presents. It’s the time of presents, because let’s be honest that’s the main thing that most kids think about when it comes to Christmas, right?Christmas shopping for kids is hard on a good day, but Christmas shopping for us kid’s on the spectrum makes things a million times harder.Thinking about buying us clothes? Ha, no way. Too itchy, tag itches, fabric feels uncomfortable, the hem line hurts, the neck line feels like it’s choking…Fun chocolate and lollies? Better make sure they’re ones we love and we’re used to (and no unexpected lumps and bumps).And don’t even think about getting us knock-offs of our favourite things…We know. We always know.Us kids on the spectrum can be pretty specific with the things we like (and don’t), so I’ve made up a list (because I thoroughly enjoy lists) of presents that any kid on the spectrum would love! A LED Light projector:I’ve spoken about light projectors and shown these in a couple of videos and blog posts that I’ve done previously, and about how whole-heartedly obsessed with them I am!If I’m overwhelmed and overstimulated, turning on my light projector is such an easy way to help bring my body back into the calming space that it needs to be.You can get these from everywhere and anywhere- any place that sells home wears, accessories, stationary... And there are so many different styles.You can get your typical LED lights that have a sphere shape and light up your entire ceiling and walls- some of these are pretty dang fancy, and even have music and sound available too!Or, maybe fairy lights are more your cup of tea.Or night lights.Or lava lamps....Depending on your aesthetic, your vibes, and what you like- there's a different sort of light for everyone! Noise cancelling headphones:These things are life savers.My noise cancelling head phones are just about my favourite things in the world, I use them all the time, in every situation…They’re so good for a number of reasons: Whether you want to listen to music, or use them without music to muffle out noise… I’ve also found that wearing these bad-boys’ in public send a pretty direct signal to tell people to bugger off.Kind of like how butterflies and praying mantis’ use their bright colours and warning signs to worn off predators.Fellow autistics, and sensory-processing-disorder-pals will understand the frustration when you want to just get away from the noise of the world, but can’t necessarily escape entirely. Parties, family events, trains, school.... whatever it may be, a pair of good noise cancelling head phones that you can use with or without music are so crucial!I got mine from ALDI, because I don’t trust myself with an expensive brand that I’ll probably break in a matter of minutes, but there are so many out there on the market, you just have to look and see what you can find!Just make sure that they’re comfortable and you’re happy with them!(And while you’re at it, a bunch of ear plugs as stocking fillers wouldn’t go astray, especially if you’re a concert junkie like me!) Fidget toys:Not to sound like I’m stuck inside of 2017, but who doesn’t love a good bit of slime, or a fidget spinner, or a stress ball?Believe it or not, these aren’t just school-yard and Youtube-trend toys. Sensory toys (as overused as they may seem), are a genuinely important factor in those of us with sensory processing disorder.And while the trend of it has been kind of annoying for those of us who genuinely need them to help us (I can’t count the amount of times I’ve been told I’m ‘late on the trend’ for being seen with a fidget cube or a stress ball…), it’s actually also been extremely  beneficial to us, because now every whozit and whatzit is making them, meaning that we have more than ever to choose from now!Depending on what you like, there’s something for everyone!I have an entire box of different stim and fidget toys.Not only is it fun to play with, and make, (and clean out of the carpets… sorry mum), but slime/moon sand/whatever-it-is-that-floats-your-boat is a brilliant tactile sensory product that doesn’t cost a bunch!Weighted blanket:Fellow insomniacs… I think you can all agree with me here when I say the number one thing I want for Christmas is a good nights sleep.(And a pet pig...At this stage, neither is likely......But with the invention of weighted blankets, the first option is beginning to look more plausible)Weighted blankets are the most wonderful creation known to man-kind, since the creation of One Direction (I know, right?)I have another blog post about weighted blankets, why they work so well, and the science behind it all which you can check out here Long story short, weighted blankets are proven to be one of the most successful therapies and tools for people with autism, anxiety, stress, and other issues related to autism, ADD, and dozens of other needs. There’s a whole lot of science and research and reasoning behind it, but I think the best evidence of all is it works…. It just works.I have so many weighted blankets, from the large one that I keep on my bed consistently, a few slightly more compact travel blankets, and then a couple of lap blankets too.All three types of blankets have been such a huge help for me- not just for when I’m sleeping, but for when I’m restless, when I need to concentrate, when I’m sitting for long periods of time… Or when it’s been a huge few days (such as Christmas…. Hint hint), and I need something to calm and regulate myself. If a weighted blanket is something you guys would be interested in, and you think it would help you, you can use my code ‘princessaspien’ at Australia’s best quality, cheapest, Australian made weighted blanket store ‘calmingmoments’ to order yours, and get 10% off!) (Ew. I sounded like one of those infomercials… or James Charles.) Oil diffuser:The last thing is actually a present I got for Christmas last year, and it’s one of my favourite presents that I’ve ever gotten, and have been using all day, and all night, since this time last year.Oil diffusers are something that have blown up this year, and if you know anyone that’s hippie and boho and into all that natural living stuff, you’ve probably heard of them. Basically, what this does is you put essential oils into it, and it brings them out into the air... There’s also a whole lot of fancy lingo that I don’t understand but it does something fancy that you can google.There’s different oils for everything.For example I have a lavender one that helps me sleep, or that I put on when I feel anxious, stress or overloaded.My whale one is my absolute favourite one that I’ve ever seen, however. Because not only is it super cute, and super Kawaii, but it also acts as a music box with several different sounds that play, and a night light!   And that's it!These are some of my Christmas-pressie-ideas-for-autistic-kiddos!  Wishing you all a safe and sensory friendly Christmasxx   


Christmas with anorexia


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