Little Mix, Courage and Kindness
Do you ever hear a song you really like, research it, learn about the singer and end up liking them?You might buy their album, follow them on Twitter, maybe buy some merch.Now, I'm not the sort of person that takes things half way (unless it involves studying). So when I first heard of this little British girl group, that was basically the last wee smudge of normality left in me gone out the window.Why just like them when you can cry over them, obsess over them, and decorate your walls with their majestically faces?Nice thinking Chloe.You idiot.So when I found out that Little Mix were coming to Australia, there were tears and squeals and cries of 'mum, you don't understand. I HAVE to see them!'It didn't take long for my parents to figure out that there was no choice, really. And I was told that I could go if I caught the train.Train.Public transport.Awesome (help me).Trains are awful, vicious wild beasts which hold smaller but more vicious wild beasts in their stomachs, and they're an over all unpleasant experience in general, really.Come on Chloe, you can do this. Do it for the band.To make it all the more exciting and exhilarating, the train broke down and the loud speaker squealed out 'EMERGENCY EVACUATE.'Oh.I don't know about you, but when I hear the words 'evacuate' and 'emergency', my first thought is 'oh cool. We're all going to die.'I got off the train, waited, stressed about the fact that this was absolutely not a part of my planned routine, stressed some more that this was possibly all a planned terrorist attack, stressed a little more that THIS WAS NOT PART OF MY PLANNED ROUTINE, and then changed trainsSo long story short, I didn't die.Praise, praise, hallelujah!If it wasn't for the help of the train conductor who could tell I was clearly distressed and close to tears and who took my hand and assured me that everything was okay, and stayed by my side until the next train came, and even helped me onto the train and made sure that I was okay...I would never have caught that train- I'm positive.Now if that wasn't enough, I get off the new train after an agonizingly terrifying journey, and as I reach my station, there's a screaming woman who grabs hold of me, shakes my body like a rag doll, and starts screaming in a language I didn't understand before she collapsed, began to seizure and blacked out.I wish I was making this up.It's not even 9:30 yet and I've had two near death experiences.But alas, never fear- my years of watching Dr Phil has prepared me for this moment.I yell for the train conductor, grab my phone out and dial 000.Now, I'm absolutely terrified of doctors, sirens, emergency situations and phone calls, and having a woman who was blanked out with nobody but me to help her wasn't exactly making the situation easier.I was told to push the woman into recovery position, get as many details as I could from her (not the easiest thing to do when her only noises were animalistic grunts) and basically stay with her until the ambulance arrived to make sure she didn't like- swallow her tongue or something?For heavens sake, all I wanted to do was meet my favourite band.IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?Again, if it wasn't for the amazing help of yet another train conductor (shout out to you guys, you're actual angels) who could see I was distressed and clearly upset at seeing such a scary situation, I wouldn't have felt stable enough to go onward to the thing I've only been waiting three years for. He asked if I was okay, if I needed any help with anything and assured me that the woman would be completely okay.The ambulance arrived, and off I was on my merry little way to finally, finally meet my idols. Praise the Lord.There I was, standing in the one position for nearly nine hours (yeah, nine hours. Us fangirls are insane) with nobody I knew, no familiar faces, and absolutely no routine, all in order to get a glimpse of the girls who have changed my life (heh pun)Tell ya what, that's dedication. I won't even go to Safeway by myself.During the lining up, I came to the realisation that I didn't have a secure plan for after the signing, as the shops closed before I was able to get picked up, and I wasn't aware of anything else open that late where I could stay. Oh deary, dear. Good job, Chloe.I got the guts up to tell a security guard about my situation in hopes he might know of a place that would be open nearby, and after barley a second of thought, he whipped out a card with his number and told me that if I couldn't find anything, to call him straight away, and he'd wait inside the shops with me until my dad arrived, despite it being past his work hours, and despite the fact that the whole shopping centre would be closed- just so he could make sure I was safe. I'm not going to go into all the gory details of me actually meeting Little Mix. If you're friends with me on Facebook, your eyes are probably bleeding from it all, if your one of my parents, your ears are definitely bleeding from hearing about it so many times, but let me assure you that there was a lot of tears and a lot of 'I literally love you so much's.After I saw the girls, I had a complete meltdown. I was overwhelmed and in complete disbelief that they were real. These girls weren't just pictures on my wall, or voices in my ear phones. They were real.I'm not talking a small whimper either, I'm talking shaking, tears, snot, loud sobbing, hardly able to stand by myself.A group of girls whom were also fans, but who don't know me, whom I've never met before, and none of them had met each other, all instantly wrapped me into their arms and hugged me as tight as possible- it was like eight weighted blankets all at once. They all hugged me until I calmed down enough to laugh about how ridiculous I was being, to which they all laughed back, promised that it was okay to be overwhelmed with something that was clearly so important to me, double and triple checked I was completely okay before we all left our seperate ways.I've always been terrified of people. I've seen humans like how a mouse would see a hungry cat, or how a dying antelope would see a lioness.The day I met my idols not only taught me that people aren't all that bad, and that when there's a situation that's quite distressing- it's not the end of the world, and that even if you feel like a hungry big cats prey, you're actually quite safe, trust me.They only look like big cats from a certain angle.Today there were a lot of things that happened which could have put me off of going anywhere ever again, but with kind hearted people and determination running through your veins, it goes to show that anything is possible with kindness and courage (yes, Disney quote, I know. Hit me)The lionesses have befriended this little dying antelope(And the little dying antelope got to meet her idols, who called her pretty and hugged me. It's really a win win situation)