Just about every blogger in the universe has done their own version of these now.Each showing their pretty, expensive hand bags full with their lipsticks, diaries, purses… all that stuff that girls tend to put in their handbags, yeah?But (as usual) this is going to be a bit different than your regular ‘tag post’.I introduce to you, the “What’s In My Bag, Autism Survival Kit”.dsc_0105-5-editAnd here, I present to you a basic run down of the essential things I bring with my when ever I need to go out into the big, scary world.Having my little things with me when I'm out and about is pretty essential to me when I leave the house. These things that can help me, comfort me, de-stress me, and give me guidance in times and situations where my sensory system may be heightened above usual. And I think a lot of aspies, or aspie parents can understand where I'm coming from!Now obviously this bag will have the same general things that every other 'What's In My Bag' blog post will have in the history of ever, but I'm going to focus on some of the things in this bag that I've got specifically to help me to cope when I'm out and about.These things in my bag are my bare necessities to be able to prepare me for almost every situation that could occur, to help me survive out in the world.And thus I give to you...My Autism Survival Kit. 



This is my current favourite bag at the moment, I’m actually, whole heartedly in love with it. I got it as a Kris Kringle gift last year as a joke- little did she know that I would end up using the bag for everything. It’s sparkly, it’s Tinkerbell, it’s just the right size to hold everything I need, but not too big that it's bulky or overbearing!



I know, I know."The nineteen-year-old carries teddy bears with her?"

Yes, yes I do.For times when I'm feeling overwhelmed, upset, anxious or upset, having one of these little guys is a massive help.When I'm home, this is my dogs job. Having the comfort of something (someone) that I know and love and feel close to, and being able to hold and cuddle and play with her is able to help me to calm down and relax when I'm home, but unfortunately, not everyone in the world appreciates fat Australian Shepherds, so she's not really welcome out in the city, in the car, on the train.So that's where these little guys come in! They offer that same (lesser version) of support and comfort that Matilda gives me, being able to touch and hold and cuddle them. It just allows me to focus one a singular thing that I know, love and am comfortable with.I'm really quite attached to my stuffed animals (You can watch a video about my attachment to a dirty old deer here), and having that little part of me close is kind of the ultimate comfort-away-from-my-comfort that I can have.Now sometimes, it's kind of awkward just whipping out a teddy (or unicorn, or turtle) and cuddling it, but having them in my bag and just knowing that I have something with me that brings me comfort is enough to get through. Other times, I'm able to take it in my pocket (pocket size teddies are honestly the best things ever!) and just hold it.I'm a ridiculously tactile person, and something that all of the above animals pictured have in common is that they're all so so so soft, and being able to just touch my fingers over the fur of them brings such a sensory relief.So yeah, I'm a nineteen year old girl with an obsession for teddy bears, and that's completely okay.


dsc_0075Now, if you know me you know that I am fussy.Good luck trying to find something that I'll eat or drink, because chances are, any food item at any restaurant, cafe, place-that-offers-food will not be something that I'll allow enter my body.Unless the food is plain, colourless, vegetarian, and a maximum of two ingredients, I will not eat it.No way, no chance.So on the days where I know I'll be out for a while, and will most likely not be passing an establishment that simply sells hot chips (just about the only food I'll eat that doesn't come from my own house), this is where my staple food item comes in.I love these almond chocolate bars, and on days when I'm feeling particularly fussy and unable to eat proper food, this will become my staple, only food item.(PSA: Don't listen to me for dietary advice. Ever)

Also included in my bag is my drink bottle, because plastic bottles from the supermarket taste gross and are expensive- no thanks. Trustworthy One Direction water bottle is always the way to go.



dsc_0061Notebook: I like bringing notebooks with me to jot down ideas for blog posts, youtube videos, and random ideas that pop into my head. Again, it gives me something to focus on and just zone out for a bit. This has always been a big thing for me, my mum used to keep a packet of spare notebooks and pencils in the glovebox of the car, so there was always one handy for me when I was growing bored, upset or agitated. It's something that I've grown up with, and I find it so easy to be able to relax with it- give it a try!

Purse: My money and cards are all tucked into my Little Twin-stars purse (isn't it adorable!?), also included in this is an 'emergency contact number' with my mums name and number on it.On the rare occasion where I'll completely black out and go into panic mode, I'll find it hard to talk to anyone. Sometimes, my notebook, or music, or stuffed unicorn can help with this. But other times when I'm on the train and being spoken to by a train officer or someone equally as terrifying, not talking can equal fines, and bad things.When this is the case, I have a little piece of paper that's got

"Hi, my name's Chloe.I have Autism, and I find it hard to speak sometimes.Please call my mum on the following number: "

This is honestly probably the most essential thing in my entire bag, it gives me a 'way out' method, something to alert other people, and my mum when things are getting too much. Luckily, I've only had to use this card a couple of times!

Emergency kit: My emergency kit is all tucked inside my little bag- in it I've got pencils, bandaids (essential when you're the biggest clutz in the absolute universe), panadol, and a few other things which I won't show on a blog where children and boys may be present. Basically, this little bag is quite important.


dsc_0096-4-editHonestly, these things are a GOD SEND.I’ve tried ear plugs, and it just wasn’t enough. Sure it blocked out the outside noise to an extent, but it gave me nothing else to focus on, there wasn't anything to take over the noise, making it almost impossible to 'tune out'.I've got noise cancelling headphones now, which are just about the best things I own, I can literally block out everything around me except for what I want to hear (sorry, strange old woman on the train. I don't want to hear about your life story.)Usually this is music by one of my many favourite singers or bands (*ahem* One Direction, in the case of today), or an audio book of some sort.



If I'm out for more than a few hours, know that I'll be on public transport for a good part of the day, or will be somewhere where there'll be a lot of sitting, my weighted lap blanket is a no-brainer.This thing comes everywhere with me when I'm going to one place for a long time, such as a long public transport or car journey, or for the long days at university.Honestly, this thing has helped me so much in the means of concentration and being able to control my damn body. I've always had the jitters, I'm always told off for bouncing my leg too much, for squirming and moving and not being able to sit still and concentrate properly.Having a weighted lap blanket is a simple way to help control this, it gives me something to comfort and relax my body- without going into the scientific of the whole thing, it releases things inside of my body that send calming signals to my brain, which is good enough for me!



I love reading, and it's a really good way for me to tune out for a couple of hours when I'm out and about. I usually have two with me. An easy-to-read book, usually a biography from one of my favourite youtubers, or in recent cases my One Direction biography (Have you realised that I like One Direction yet?), and a more in depth, 'proper' book for when I really just want to get lost.My current favourite it the Flowers In The Attic series, something that I've read a solid seven times over and still absolutely obsess over. If you're looking for a series that's interesting, intense, creepy, weird and a bit uh... disturbing... this is the series for you!

And that's it!

That's my full 'Autism Survival Bag'.   That's everything I bring with me when I venture into the mysterious beyond, that keeps this strange little girl feeling safe and not so strange.

I don't know if you read this simply because you have nothing else to do, or because maybe you were looking for ideas on your own little survival kit, but either way, I hope this was enjoyable, educational (?), and worthy of a read!So, what's in your survival kit?



Weighted blankets


Just Keep Swimming