What's your superpower?
It's April! It's April! Hello April!April means lot's of things.April means we're a third of the way through the year (for real though, how did that happen?). April means the weather starts getting colder (lol, just joking. We live in Australia), and most importantly, April means it's Autism Awareness Month! The time of year where we recognise and spread awareness for autism.(Why it's condensed down to one month rather than 365 days of the year, I really don't know, but that's another blog post in itself).This month, thousands of people globally will be spreading the message of awareness and education, thousands of people in the wider community will be educated about autism and thousands of people will start to learn more.It's awesome, it's brilliant, it's fantastic and such a great opportunity to educate, to spread awareness... yada yada yada.But personally... I don't really see April as just a month to educate, to spread awareness...I see April as a month for celebration.A month for celebrating autism, a month for celebrating what makes us… well, us!On April 2nd every year, and throughout the whole month of April after, thousands of people band together to spread awareness for Autism, which is wonderful and exciting and brilliant and very important.Because yes, we’re different, and yes our minds work differently and yes it is so important for the wider community to understand that and to be educated about how we work.But these people that band together are psychologists, and professionals, and important doctor-neurotypicals who don't understand autism on a personal level.We don't need awareness. Because you know what’s more important than education in a month that's to do with autism?Encouragement.
What’s more important than educating those without autism, is encouraging those with.Because we are different. But different is amazing, and beautiful, and wonderful, and what we’re meant to be. Different is important, and it's time for us to realise that.
Fellow aspies, this month it is important to show ourselves that different does not equal deffecive. Different does not equal less. Different is beautiful and wonderful and without different the world would all be colourless and boring and nobody wants a world like that. It would be gross, and bland and... yuck.If anything, "different" is a superpower.
Throughout this post, you'll see screenshots of several of my super girls. Girls who are living on the spectrum, who show their super powers in a million ways.Because regardless of your skills, talents and gifts, it's
important to recognise them. Because everything about you is a super power.Because your love for your favourite film, or your ability to perform gymnastic tricks, or your passion for music is just as much a super power as having the ability to fly or talk to animals or turn back time.
It’s time for the world, and for us to start seeing autism for what it really is. We’re, strong, beautiful, talented, wonderful, creative, smart people.We’re fighters. And we’re princesses, and super heroes, and warriors… we do things that no one else can doWe use our super powers daily, just to live in a world that is so different to what our minds know.We are super heroes, and we all have super powers. And sometimes, our super powers are just being here. Are showing you what we’re capable of.
We all have things that we’re amazing at, that are our gifts and talents and things that make us special. These are just a small few number of the super heroes that are living in our world with us.We’re here, we’re valid, we’re important and it’s time for the world, and for us to start seeing that.It’s so important for us to start seeing ourselves for what we are, not for what we’re not.This autism awareness month, celebrate yourself.Celebrate you, for what you are. For what you’ve achieved, for what you’re going to acieve.
We all have super powers, and it’s up for you to find them.Believe in yourself, and your true super powers will come through. And once you do, there’s no stopping the brilliance, the sparkle that will ignite from you.So, what’s your super power?