April favourites
Hello beautiful butterflies!I’ve been meaning to start off this little 'blog post series' since the start of the year, I told myself I was going to do one every month and what ever.However, it is now the start of May and this is the first one I’ve done. Brilliant, we're off to a flying start(Speaking of which, how quick has this year gone? I still find myself consistently writing down the date as ‘2016’ on things. That’s okay for the first couple of weeks of January but when you’re literally almost half way through the year it becomes less ‘oops’ and more ‘you look slightly crazy’.)Anyway, I see a lot of people do these things and I wanted to join in. Because it's good to have favourites, and it's good to have people to share your favourite things with.Welcome to my lil blog post about my favourites for the past month!
- My new fish. I got a new fish this month, and I actually love him to death. Like, you should not have this amount of love for a fish. But I do. And he's beautiful. And I love him to death.He's a betta fish (Siamese Fighter), and he's the most active, crazy little creature I've ever seen (AKA me as a fish), his name's Hei-Hei, and he's perfect.
- Fan-mail. A few of you are already aware that I opened up a PO box last month, and so many of you have already begun to send me some of the most beautiful things. I've gotten so many
wonderful letters, drawings and gifts from you guys, and it's made me feel like the luckiest creature on this planet, they all have pride of place on my shelf, and I've reread them all about a million times. So, thank you.(If you'd like to write (and have me write back!), my PO BOX is
"Chloe Hayden
Care of Inverleigh Post OfficeInverleigh, Victoria, Australia3321" )
- Small stuffed animals. Chances are, if I’m out in public I have definitely got a stuffed animal of some variety inside my bag, or pocket, or possibly directly in my hand.It's like a fun rendition of I-Spy. "I-Spy with my little eye, a stuffed animal somewhere around Chloe's body... trust me, it's definitely there."My favourite ones this month are my little donkey, and my little turtle. I have a thing for turtles, I don't know why- I just always have. Mum bought me a stuffed turtle a few years ago, I fell in love with him, and since then any time I see a stuffed turtle I buy it on impulse.I just really like the comfort of having a little stuffed friend with me. Not only for the calming aspect of having them there, but I've always found that they're really lovely to just touch and hold and brush your fingers over. The small ones are brilliant for when you're out and about and you want to be inconspicuous.
- Weighted travel blanket. I love my weighted blankets, I have five now- the more the merrier? Recently however, I got them sent two brand new ones from Calming Moments, who sell the most beautiful quality custom made weighted blankets. The wonderful thing with their weighted blankets are that they're so durable, manageable and light weight (obviously not light weight because they're weighted blankets, but you get my drift.).
I was so super excited to find out that they made travel sized ones, and they sent me this beautiful Tinkerbell one! It’s not as big as a single bed one, but it’s not as small as a lap blanket, so it’s the perfect size to take around in the car or when you’re going away for the night.As an extra bonus, they also sent me a lap blanket, which has Princess Aspien embodied into the side of it- how cool is that!?*****Calming Moments have been super lovely and is also giving you guys a 10% discount on any weighted blanket, you can choose your size, your fabrics, you can even have your own little name embrodied onto it. Just use the code ‘aspien’ on checkout!****
- Painting. I’ve always been a painter, a drawer, a ‘creative’. But the past few months I’ve only been painting for work, rather than just for myself (fun fact- I paint toy horses!)The other day I was watching one of my favourite youtubers BananaJamana who I adore, and she does the most beautiful works of art. It inspired me to pick up a paint brush again just for myself. So I went into the local art shop and stocked up on way too much art supplies, and I just went to town with it.I think it’s really good to have something that can take your mind off of everything, it's really important that we all have our little things that help us to relax.
- Electric oil burner. Something that I love doing when I’m just having a little chill out sesh is having a candle burning- I love things that smell nice and have a 'warm' smell to it... is that even a thing? A warm smell? I don't know.Anyway, last month I had a proper candle burning, I left my room to get a cup of water, (which wouldn’t have taken more than 30 seconds, tops) and when I came back, my candles flame had jumped and caught fire to a large section of my book collection. My bookshelf was literally on fire, all of my Titanic books had burned, I was freaking out because my bedroom was on fire, and basically I came to the conclusion that I am not enough of a responsible adult yet to be allowed with an open flame.So this is a really good alternative. It doesn’t catch fire because it’s just heat that melts the oil, rather than an actual, life, terrifying flame of death. I’ve been burning the chocolate hot cross buns one a lot the past few weeks, and it's made my room smell like a bakery... I'm in love!
- Sign Of The Times by Harry Styles. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS FOR A FEW SECONDS. WHAT THE HECK HAROLD. WHAT THE HECK. YOU BEAUTIFUL HUMAN.Sorry, fangirl mode is over. Back to your original broadcasting material.
- Earmuffs. I went to Kmart the other day (how to sound like a proper Australian girl in one sentence), and as I dawdled over to the kids section I found THE MOST adorable earmuffs I've ever seen. They've got little kittens on them. They're adorable. They're wonderful. I love them.The cool thing about these are they're so wonderful for the cold weather (which I hate, because I am a grouch), but they also do a mildy-decent job of blocking out noise. It's a win-win.
- Fleece pyjamas. Speaking of K-Mart, they have the most adorable winter fleece pyjamas at the moment. My favourite material is fleece, I want to become a fleece monster, I want to be drowned in it all day every day. It makes me feel like a personified version of a teddy bear. I practically bought out their entire pyjama section the other day, and I'm living with no regrets.
That's that! They're my favourites for the past month!